Response: Encouraged
Criterion 1: Impact of the Proposed Technology Relative to State of the Art (50%)
The applicant demonstrates a solid understanding of current technologies and costs, and proposes a development that will push the state-of-the-art with the application of near net shape technologies.
* Strong approach to identify state of the art consisted of actually performing 2 years of investigations — demonstrates commitment to developing technology
* Uses turbine builder software to advance state of the art
* Modular design in electrical generator
* Clear understanding of purpose of FOA and demonstrated commitment to advancing objectives
Criterion 2: Overall Scientific and Technical Merit (50%)
The applicant effectively proposes to apply leading edge NNS technologies and lightweight materials to build their system…clearly in line with the objectives of this FOA.
The applicant effectively calls out a number of key technical risks. This recognition is important, and the applicant should strongly consider these as part of an effective project development plan.
* Proper scientific approach to progress from analytical design to CFD/FEA analysis to manufacturing/testing
* Intended for proper hydropower application
* No major technical flaws identified
By 2020, over 70% of US dams will be 50 years or older and in need of repair, replacement or removal. This presents a unique opportunity to equip dams with generating capability, thus providing a financial incentive for dam restoration while contributing to the country’s clean energy portfolio.
Cadens, LLC plans to lead the way in the development and deployment of new hydropower technologies and install high performance turbine systems that are optimized for each specific site. A particular focus are dams with a capacity of 1MW or less, which represent 98% of the 54,000 suitable NPD’s.
Small and micro hydro turbines available on the market today are designed and fabricated using methods and materials developed in the 1930’s. These existing designs are expensive and overbuilt, and typically limited to sites with much higher heads than is generally the case. Accordingly, small hydro units are either not optimized for the specific location, or require significant engineering cost that make the value proposition unattractive in most cases.
Cadens plans address this problem first by applying modern turbine design software and an integrated design approach with additive manufacturing. The benefits of additive manufacturing are printing the infill in honeycomb-like patterns that use less material without compromising final structural strength. This will lead to economically superior turbine design processes that provides site-specific turbine runner and stator sets with high compressive strength, low density and efficient, hydraulically smooth surface finishes. Further, the same site-specific flow-cycle data can be used to optimize the electrical generator control for maximum efficiency over the entire yearly flow cycle.
The process starts by collecting and analyzing site information such as a flow duration curve and head. These parameters are used by a custom software tool, Cadens Turbine Builder, to quickly generate a site-optimized turbine runner/stator set. Then, using composite materials and additive manufacturing methods, the turbine is fabricated, the result is a lightweight, high performance turbine runner/stator set. The same process can also provide the proper match between the turbine and the generator, and serve as a basis for optimum generator and system control over time.
Cadens’ goal is to help non-power dam owners promote sustainability and generate income using new hydropower technologies that produce reliable, renewable energy. To this end, Cadens has established a low-head hydropower research facility in Sullivan, WI, and is in the process of creating and testing runner/stator sets. The location leverages Wisconsin strengths, strong state support for water-focused technology, and a leading electric-drive and generator industry, all supported by a framework of world-leading higher-education institutions in these fields.